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发布日期:2024年01月20日   浏览次数:[]

On January 11, 2024, the Institute of Finance and Economics held a workshop for international graduate students to present their academic papers. It was the sixth in a series of economics workshops organized by the IFE for international students to help them improve their research abilities while also strengthening their public speaking skills. Four graduate students presented their working papers, receiving valuable suggestions from the institute’s esteemed professors.

The workshop was started with a welcome speech from Prof. Yan Haosheng. Following that, four graduate students, Derek Holste, Zhanaibekova Dinara, Lin Htet Aung, and Ing Thearith, presented their working papers titled “Determining the Channels of US Monetary Policy Changes on Foreign Economies: a BGVAR Approach," “Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Regional Trade Networks in Central Asia," “The Economics of Capitals: Evidence from the Relocation of the Capital City in Myanmar," and “Splitting the Jurisdiction: the Effect of Economic Connection and Administrative Cost," respectively. Their research areas ranged from monetary policies to trade, urbanization, and socioeconomics. Prof. Zhao Guoqin, Prof. Li Shanshan, Prof. Yan Haosheng, and Prof. Zhang Yeqing gave constructive criticism and excellent remarks on each paper, highlighting areas for improvement. The event also attracted fellow students to attend the workshop and engage in the Q&A sessions.The papers of Derek Holste and Lin Htet Aung were voted the best academic papers, and those of Ing Thearith and Zhanaibekova Dinara were voted the second-best ones. Prof. Yan Haosheng and Prof. Zhang Yeqing presented awards to the winners and concluded the workshop.

The workshops themselves are group-oriented compared to the normal lecture. Instead of the bulk of the duration having one speaker, it is meant for students to participate and ask questions to ensure they are following along. This creates a welcoming learning environment, as all will be expected to try, fail, and learn from their mistakes. The workshop is an important part of the education of international students in IFE and will play an important role in improving the quality of international student education.



本次工作坊中四名国际留学生Derek Holste、Zhanaibekova Dinara、Lin Htet Aung和Ing Thearith依次汇报了自己的工作论文。他们的论文主题多元,涵盖货币政策与贸易、城市化和社会经济学等方面。随后,赵国钦、李珊珊、闫昊生、张叶青四位老师针对每一篇论文给出了建设性的评价和建议,着重强调了需要改进的地方。研讨会还吸引了部分同学旁听并参与问答环节。经老师和同学们评选,Derek Holste题为《Determining the Channels of US Monetary Policy Changes on Foreign Economies: a BGVAR Approach》的论文和Lin Htet Aung题为《The Economics of Capitals: Evidence from the Relocation of the Capital City in Myanmar》的论文获评优秀学术论文一等奖。Ing Thearithe题为《Splitting the Jurisdiction: the Effect of Economic Connection and Administrative Cost》的论文、Zhanaibekova Dinara题为《Impact of the “Belt and Road” Initiative on Regional Trade Networks in Central Asia》的论文获评优秀学术论文二等奖。闫昊生和张叶青老师为获优秀学术论文奖的学生颁发了荣誉证书。


供稿:闫昊生 审核:曹明星 编辑:王萌
